2012 Publications
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Piper Gordon, K. Olaf Niemann, and Geoff Quinn 2012, "Forest Applications With Hyperspectral Imaging," Proc. IGARSS 2012, Munich, Germany, (in press).
Cloude, S. R., D. G. Goodenough, and H. Chen 2012, "Compact Decomposition Theory For L-Band Satellite Radar Applications," Proc. IGARSS 2012, Munich, Germany, (in press).
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Shane Cloude, Ash Richardson, and Piper Gordon 2012, "Compact Polarimetry for Forest Applications," Proc. 33rd CSRS, Ottawa, Canada, (in press).
Goodenough, David G., K. Olaf Niemann, Piper Gordon, Geoffrey S. Quinn, and Fabio Visintini 2012, "A Comparison of Forest Classification Between Simulated Sentinel-2 Data, Landsat, and Hyperspectral Data," Proc. Sentinel-2 Preparatory Symposium - ESA, Frascati, Italy, (in press).
Cloude, S. R., D. G. Goodenough, and H. Chen 2012, "Compact Decomposition Theory," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 28-32.
Niemann, K. Olaf, G. Quinn, David G. Goodenough, F. Visintini, and R. Loos 2012, "Addressing the Effects of Canopy Structure on the Remote Sensing of Foliar Chemistry of a 3-Dimensional, Radiometrically Porous Surface," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 584-593.
back to index
2011 Publications
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Ashlin Richardson, Shane Cloude, Wen Hong, and Yang Li 2012, "Mapping Fire Scars Using Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Data," Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 500-509, 2011.
Goodenough, David G., Geoffrey S. Quinn, Piper L. Gordon, K. Olaf Niemann, and Hao Chen 2011, "Linear And Nonlinear Imaging Spectrometer Denoising Algorithms Assessed Through Chemistry Estimation," Proc. IGARSS 2011, Vancouver, BC, pp. 4320-4323, on DVD.
Gordon, Piper, David G. Goodenough, Geoffrey S. Quinn, K. Olaf Niemann, Jean-Pierre Ardouin, Josée Lévesque, Hao Chen, and Diana Parton 2011, "Development of an Acacia Koa Discrimination Index for High Resolution Hyperspectral Data," Proc. IGARSS 2011, Vancouver, BC, (abstract).
Cloude, Shane, David G. Goodenough, and Hao Chen 2011, "Compact Polarimetry For C-Band Forestry Applications," Proc. 8th Advanced SAR Workshop - CSA, St. Hubert, Quebec, pp. 1 on DVD.
Goodenough, David G., Shane Cloude, Hao Chen, Geoff Quinn, and Andre Beaudoin 2011, "Synergy Study Between Hyperspectral, Lidar And Polarimetric SAR Data For Forest Information," Proc. 8th Advanced SAR Workshop - CSA, St. Hubert, Quebec, pp. 1 on DVD.
Goodenough, David G., Geoffrey S. Quinn, K. Olaf Niemann, and Hao Chen 2011, "Helicopter High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy: Mapping Species Variation," 3rd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1-4 (refereed).
back to index
2010 Publications
Goodenough, David G., K. Olaf Niemann, Geoffrey S. Quinn and Hao Chen 2010, "AISA and Multi-Angle CHRIS for Coastal Forest Classification," Proc. ESA Hyperspectral Workshop, Frascati, Italy (March 17-19).
Niemann, K. O., D. Goodenough, F. Visintini, R. Loos 2010, "The Effects Of Forest Canopy Structure On The Hyperspectral Reflectance Data," Proc. ESA Hyperspectral Workshop, Frascati, Italy (March 17-19).
Goodenough, David G., Wen Hong, Hao Chen, Yang Li, Ashlin Richardson, Fang Cao, Erxue Chen, Peng Wang, and Geordie Hobart 2010, "Mapping Fire Scars From Space Using Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR," Proc. ASTRO 2010, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 1-5 on DVD.
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, K. Olaf Niemann, Geoff Quinn, Belaid Moa, and Kelsey Lang 2010, "Hyperspectral Applications for Forestry," Invited Plenary Talk, Proc. WHISPERS 2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing, June 14-16, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Goodenough, David G., K. Olaf Niemann, Geoffrey S. Quinn, Ashley Gross, and Kelsey Lang 2010, "Environmental Controls On Forest Chemistry: Evaluating And Refining Foliar Chemistry From Imaging Spectroscopy," Proc. IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 3764 - 3767.
Li, Yang, Wen Hong, Fang Cao, Erxue Chen, David G. Goodenough, Hao Chen, Peng Wang, and Ashlin Richardson 2010, "Eigen Decomposition Parameter Based Forest Mapping Using Radarsat-2 PolSAR Data," Proc. IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 4784 - 4787.
Goodenough, David G., Tian Han, Belaid Moa, Kelsey Lang, Hao Chen, Amanpreet Dhaliwal, and Ashlin Richardson 2010, "A Framework For Efficiently Parallelizing Nonlinear Noise Reduction Algorithm," Proc. IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 2182 - 2185.
Richardson, Ashlin, David G. Goodenough, Hao Chen, Belaid Moa, Geordie Hobart, and Wendy Myrvold 2010, "Unsupervised Nonparametric Classification Of Polarimetric SAR Data Using The K-Nearest Neighbor Graph," Proc. IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 1867 - 1870.
Quinn, Geoffrey S., K. Olaf Niemann, and David G. Goodenough 2010, "LIDAR Integrated Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy for Root Disease Detection and Measurement of Foliar Chemistry," Proc. IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 4385 - 4388.
Cloude, Shane , Armando Marino, David Goodenough, Hao Chen, Ashlin Richardson, and Belaid Moa 2010, "Radar Polarimetry For Forestry Applications: ALOS and RADARSAT-2 Studies In Canada," Proc. ForestSat 2010, Lugo and Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Sept. 7-10).
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Ashlin Richardson, and Yang Li 2010, "Mapping Forest Scars Using Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Data," Proc. 3rd Workshop on Radarsat-2, Canadian Space Agency, St. Hubert, Quebec.
back to index
2009 Publications
Goodenough, D. G., K. O. Niemann, A. Dyk, P. Gordon, G. S. Quinn 2009, "Mapping High Resolution Forest Chemistry with AISA," Proc. 6th EARSEL Imaging Spectroscopy SIG Workshop, Tel Aviv, Israel, pp. 1-6 on CD.
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Geordie Hobart, Ashlin Richardson, Wen Hong, Fang Cao, and Erxue Chen 2009, "Preliminary Evaluation of Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Data for Forest Applications", Proc. IET International Radar Conference 2009, Guilin, China, pp. 1-5 on DVD.
Chen, Hao, David G. Goodenough, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Ashlin Richardson 2009, "Topographic Relief Compensation on Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR for Forest Application", Proc. IEEE RadarCon 2009, Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 1-4 on DVD.
Agarwal, Ashok, Patrick Armstrong, Andre Charbonneau, Hao Chen, Ronald J. Desmarais, Ian Gable, David G. Goodenough, Aimin Guan, Roger Impey, Belaid Moa, Wayne Podaima, and Randall Sobie 2009, "Service-Oriented Grid Computing for SAFORAH", Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2009, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 14-17 (in press).
Goodenough, D. G., K. O. Niemann, G. S. Quinn, A. A. Gross, B. Moa and J. Liu 2009, "Mapping The Health Of Forests," Proc. 30th Cdn. Sym. On Rem. Sens., Lethbridge, Alberta, pp. 217-228.
Quinn, G. S., K. O. Niemann and D. G. Goodenough 2009, "Spectrophotometric Detection Of Phellinus Sulphurascens Colonization In Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii) Foliage," Proc. 30th Cdn. Sym. On Rem. Sens., Lethbridge, Alberta, pp. 229-240.
Goodenough, David G., K. Olaf Niemann, Geoffrey S. Quinn, Piper Gordon, Ashley Gross, Tian Han, Geordie Hobart, Hao Chen and Andrew Dyk 2009, "Comparison of AVIRIS and AISA for Chemistry Mapping," Proc. IGARSS 2009, Cape Town, South Africa pp. I-80-I-83.
Goodenough, David G. Geoff Quinn, K. Olaf Niemann, and Jessie Liu 2009, "Temporal And Spatial Variations In Forest Chemistry," Proc. 5th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Groton, Connecticut, pp. 1-8 on DVD.
Chen, Hao, David G. Goodenough, Aimin Guan, Belaid Moa, Randall Sobie, Patrick Armstrong, Ashok Agarwal, Ian Gable, Ronald J. Desmarais, Roger Impey, Andre Charbonneau, and Wayne Podaima 2009, "Geospatial Data Grid with Computational Capability", Proc. 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Fairfax, USA, August 12-14, pp. 1-4 on DVD.
Goodenough, David G. K. Olaf Niemann, Geoffrey S. Quinn and Jessie Liu 2009, "Mapping Spatio-Temporal Variation In Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii) Foliar Biochemistry," Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Grenoble, France, pp. 1-4, (refereed).
Goodenough, David G. and Tian Han 2009, "Reducing Noise in Hyperspectral Data - A Nonlinear Data Series Analysis Approach," Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Grenoble, France, pp. 1-4, (refereed).
Quinn, Geoffrey S., K. Olaf Niemann, and David G. Goodenough 2009, "Estimating Foliar Biochemistry From Reflectance And The Detection Of Phellinus Sulphurascens Induced Stress," Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Grenoble, France, pp. 1-4, (refereed).
back to index
2008 Publications
Bergeron, M., Allan Hollinger, Karl Staenz, Michael Maszkiewicz, Robert A. Neville, Shen-En Qian, and David G. Goodenough 2008, "Hyperspectral Environment and Resource Observer (HERO) Mission," Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34, Suppl. 1, pp. S1-S11.
Goodenough, David G. Tian Han, and Andrew Dyk 2008, "Comparing and Validating Linear Spectral Unmixing Algorithms with AVIRIS Imagery," Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34, Suppl. 1, pp. S82-S91.
Wulder, M.A., J.C. White, M. Cranny, R.J. Hall, J.E. Luther, A. Beaudoin, D.G. Goodenough, and J.A. Dechka 2008, "Monitoring Canada's forests. Part 1: Completion of the EOSD land cover project," Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 549-562.
Han, Tian and David G. Goodenough 2008, "Investigation of Nonlinearity in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Surrogate Data Methods," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. 2840-2847.
Wulder, M.A., M. Cranny, R. Hall, J. Luther, A. Beaudoin, J. White, D. Goodenough, and J. Dechka, 2008, "Satellite land cover mapping of Canada's forests: The EOSD land cover project," Chapter 3 in North America Land Cover Summit, Published by the American Association of Geographers, Washington, D.C., USA. Edited by J.C. Campbell, K.B. Jones, J.H. Smith, and M.T. Koeppe. pp. 21-30.
Goodenough, David G., K. Olaf Niemann, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Piper Gordon, and Matthew Loisel 2008, "A Comparison Of Forest Products From AISA And AVIRIS," Proc. ASTRO 2008, April 30, Montreal, Quebec, pp. 1-13 on DVD.
Goodenough, David G., K. Olaf Niemann, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Piper Gordon, Matthew Loisel, and Hao Chen 2008, "Comparison Of AVIRIS And AISA Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing For Above-Ground Forest Carbon Mapping," Proc. IGARSS 2008, pp. II-129-II-132, July, Boston, USA.
Dyk, Andrew, David G. Goodenough, K. Olaf Niemann, Anita Simic, Jing Chen, Geordie Hobart, and Hao Chen 2008, "Multi-Angle Measurements With CHRIS For Forest Parameters," Proc. IGARSS 2008, pp. II-133 - II-136, July, Boston, USA.
Han, Tian, and David G. Goodenough 2008, "Estimating Dimensionality of Hyperspectral Data Using False Neighbour Method" Proc. IGARSS 2008, pp. III-83-III-86, July, Boston, USA.
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Ashlin Richardson 2008, "Data Fusion Study Between Polarimetric SAR, Hyperspectral And Lidar Data For Forest Information," Proc. IGARSS 2008, pp. II-281-II-284, July, Boston, USA.
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, Ashlin Richardson 2008, "Fusion Of Radar And Hyperspectral Data For Forest Applications," Proc. International Astronautics Congress 2008, Glasgow, Scotland pp. 1-5 on DVD.
back to index
2007 Publications
Goodenough, David G., Andrew Dyk, Hao Chen, Geordie Hobart, K. Olaf Niemann, and Ash Richardson 2007, "Hyperspectral Sensing of Forests," Proc. SPIE, Second International Conference on Space Information Technology (ICSIT), vol. 6795, C. Wang, S. Zhong, and J. Wei, Eds. Bellingham, WA, Wuhan, China, pp. 67957W-1 - 67957W-15.
Dyk, Andrew, David G. Goodenough, K. Olaf Niemann, Geordie Hobart, and Hao Chen 2007, "A CHRIS Triplet for Forest Attributes," Proc. IGARSS 2007, pp. 1543- 1547, Barcelona, Spain.
Goodenough, David G., Andrew Dyk, Geordie Hobart, and Hao Chen 2007, "Forest Information Products from Hyperspectral Data - Victoria and Hoquiam Test Sites," Proc. IGARSS 2007, pp. 1532 - 1536, Barcelona, Spain.
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Liping Di, Aimin Guan, Yaxing Wei, Andrew Dyk, and Geordie Hobart 2007, "Grid-enabled OGC Environment for EO Data and Services in Support of Canada's Forest Applications," Proc. IGARSS 2007, pp. 4773 - 4776, Barcelona, Spain.
Goodenough, David G. and Joji Iisaka 2007, "In Memory of Professor Mikio Takagi," Proc. IGARSS 2007, pp. 4061 - 4063, Barcelona, Spain.
Han, Tian and David G. Goodenough 2007, "Investigation of Nonlinearity in Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Imagery - A Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Approach," Proc. IGARSS 2007, pp. 1556 - 1560, Barcelona, Spain.
back to index
2006 Publications
Dyk, Andrew, David G. Goodenough, Jing Y. Li, K. Olaf Niemann, Aimin Guan, Hao Chen and James Duong 2006, "Multi Temporal Evaluation with CHRIS of Coastal Forests," Proc. IGARSS 2006, pp. 108-111, Denver, Colorado.
Goodenough, David G., Andrew Dyk, Tian Han, Jingyang Li, K. Olaf Niemann, Hao Chen, and James Duong 2006, "Forest Information Products From Hyperspectral Data," ISPRS Archives Vol. XXXVI, Part 8, "Remote Sensing Applications for a Sustainable Future", Haifa, Israel, 2006 (in press).
Goodenough, David G. Hao Chen, and Andrew Dyk 2006, "Evaluation of Convair-580 and Simulated Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR for Forest Change Detection," Proc. IGARSS 2006, pp. 1788-1791, Denver, Colorado.
Goodenough, David G., Jing Y. Li, Gregory P. Asner, Michael E. Schaepman, Susan L. Ustin, and Andrew Dyk 2006, "Combining hyperspectral remote sensing and physical modeling for applications in land ecosystems," Proc. IGARSS 2006, pp. 2000-2004, Denver, Colorado.
Hollinger, A. M. Bergeron, M. Maskiewicz, S.E. Qian, H. Othman, K. Staenz, R.A. Neville, and D.G. Goodenough 2006, "Recent Developments in the Hyperspectral Environment and Resource Observer (HERO) Mission," Proc. IGARSS 2006, pp. 1620-1623, Denver, Colorado.
Schaepman, Michael E., Robert O. Green, Stephen G. Ungar, Brian Curtiss, Joe Boardman, Antonio J. Plaza, Bo-Cai Gao, Susan Ustin, Raymond Kokaly, John R. Miller, Stéphane Jacquemoud, Eyal Ben-Dor, Roger Clark, Curtiss Davis, Jeff Dozier, David G. Goodenough, Dar Roberts, Gregg Swayze, and Alex F.H. Goetz 2006, "The Future of Imaging Spectroscopy - Prospective Technologies and Applications," Proc. IGARSS 2006, pp- 2005-2009, Denver, Colorado.
back to index
2005 Publications
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Donald G. Leckie, and Tian Han 2005, "Evaluation of
Multi-Temporal and Multi-polarization ASAR for Boreal Forests in Hinton," Proc. Of the Third International
Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images (Multitemp 2005), 4 pages, CD, Biloxi,
Mississippi, IEEE Publication.
Goodenough, D. G., T. Han, A. Dyk, J. Gour, and J. Y. Li, "Mapping Forest Biomass with
AVIRIS and Evaluating SNR Impact on Biomass Prediction," Natural Resources Canada, internal report, (presented
at NASA JPL AVIRIS Workshop, May, Pasadena, California), 2005.
Han, Tian and David G. Goodenough 2005, "Nonlinear Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Data Based on
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)," Proc. IGARSS'05, pp. 1237-1240, Seoul, Korea.
Goodenough, David G., Andrew Dyk, Tian Han, Hao Chen, Tyler Gates, and K. Olaf Niemann 2005,
"Multi-Temporal Evaluation with CHRIS of Coastal Forests," Proc. IGARSS'05, pp. 3557-3560, Seoul, Korea.
Li, Jingyang and David G. Goodenough 2005, "Mapping Relative Water Content in Douglas-Fir with AVIRIS and
a Canopy Model," Proc. IGARSS'05, pp. 3572-3574, Seoul, Korea.
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Tian Han, and Steve Carey 2005, "Multitemporal
Evaluation with ASAR of Boreal Forests," Proc. IGARSS'05, pp. 1662-1665, Seoul, Korea.
Han, T., D. G. Goodenough, J. Y. Li, H. Chen 2005 "LLE-Based Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction of
Hyperspectral Data for Forest Information Extraction", in Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Physical
Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS), Vol. 36, Part 7/20, pp. 536-541, Beijing, China, (ISPRS
Goodenough, David G., Hao Chen, Andrew Dyk, Tian Han and Jingyang Li 2005, "Multisensor Data Fusion
For Aboveground Carbon Estimation," Proc. XXVIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science
(URSI), Vol. CD, pp. 1-4, New Delhi, India.
back to index
2004 Publications
Goodenough, David G., J. Pearlman, H. Chen, A. Dyk, T. Han, J. Li, J. Miller and K. Olaf Niemann
2004, "Forest Information from Hyperspectral Sensing," Proc. IGARSS.04, Vol. IV, pp. 2585-2589, Anchorage,
Goodenough, D.G., A. Dyk, T. Han, A. Jazayeri and J. Li 2004, "Impacts of Lossy Compression
on Hyperspectral Products for Forestry," Proc. IGARSS.04, Vol. I, pp. 465 . 468, Anchorage Alaska.
Han, Tian, David G. Goodenough, Andrew Dyk, and Hao Chen 2004, "Hyperspectral Feature Selection for Forest
Classification," Proc. IGARSS.04, Vol. II, pp. 1471 - 1474, Anchorage, Alaska.
McDonald, S., K. Olaf Niemann, and David G. Goodenough 2004, "Development of Hyperspectral Biochemistry
through the use of Statistical Modeling and Spectral Unmixing," Proc. IGARSS.04, Vol. II, pp. 1007 - 1009,
Anchorage, Alaska.
Goodenough, David G., Andrew Dyk, Tian Han, Allan Hollinger, Azarin Jazayeri, and Harold Zwick
2004, "Hyperspectral Sensor Trades for Forest Applications," Proc. 55th International Astronautics Congress 2004,
CD 1, Paper 1087, pp. 1-6, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
back to index
2003 Publications
Goodenough, D. G., A. Dyk, K. O. Niemann, J. Pearlman, H. Chen, T. Han,
M. Murdoch, and C. West 2003, "Processing Hyperion and ALI for Forest Classification,"
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 1321-1331.
Niemann, K. Olaf and David G. Goodenough 2003, "Estimation of Foliar Chemistry in
Western Hemlock Using Hyperspectral Data," in Remote Sensing of Forest
Environments: Concepts and Case Studies, M. Wulder and S. Franklin, Ed., Kluwer
Academic Publishe rs, Norwell, MA, pp. 447-467.
Goodenough, D.G., H. Chen, A. Dyk, T. Han, S. McDonald, M. Murdoch,
K.O. Niemann, J. Pearlman and C. West 2003, "EVEOSD Forest Information Products
from AVIRIS and Hyperion," Proc. IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, vol. I, pp. 284-287.
Dyk, A., D.G. Goodenough, S. Thompson, C. Nadeau, A. Hollinger and S.-E. Qian 2003,
"Compressed Hyperspectral Imagery for Forestry," Proc. IGARSS 2003, Toulouse,
France, vol. I, pp. 294-296.
McDonald, S., K.O. Niemann, D.G. Goodenough, A. Dyk, C. West, T. Han and
M. Murdoch 2003, "Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Conifer Chemistry and Moisture,"
Proc. IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, vol. I, pp. 552-554.
Han, T., and D.G. Goodenough 2003, "Hyperspectral Endmember Detection
and Unmixing Based on Linear Programming," Proc. IGARSS 2003, Toulouse,
France, vol. III, pp. 1763-1765.
Niemann, K.O., and D. G. Goodenough 2003, "Evaluation of HYPERION Data for
Forestry Applications: Coastal Douglas-fir and Western Hemlock," Proc.
IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, vol. VI, pp. 3769-3771.
back to index
2002 Publications
Wulder, M., K. O. Niemann, and D. G. Goodenough 2002, "Error reduction
methods for local maximum filtering of high spatial resolution imagery
for locating trees," Can. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 621-628.
A. S. Bhogal, D. G. Goodenough, H. Chen, G. Hobart, B. Rancourt, M. Murdoch,
J. Love, and A. Dyk, "Automated Methods for Atmospheric Correction and
Fusion of Multispectral Satellite Data for National Monitoring," presented
2002, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. III, pp. 1316-1319, 2002.
A. Dyk, D. G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, J. Pearlman, and J. Love, "Geometric
Correction and Validation of Hyperion and
ALI Data for
EVEOSD," presented at IGARSS 2002, Toronto, ON, Canada, vol. I, pp. 579-583, 2002.
D. G. Goodenough, A. Dyk, K. O. Niemann, J. Pearlman, A. S. P. Bhogal, H. Chen,
T. Han, M. Murdoch, and C. West, "Monitoring Coastal Forests with Hyperion
and ALI,"
Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp. in press, 2002.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, A. Dyk, A. Hollinger, Z. Mah, K. O. Niemann,
J. Pearlman, H. Chen, T. Han, J. Love, and S. McDonald, "
Monitoring Forests with Hyperion and
ALI," presented at IGARSS 2002,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. II, pp. 882-885, 2002.
T. Han, D. G. Goodenough, A. Dyk, and J. Love, "Detection and
Correction of Abnormal Pixels in Hyperion Images," presented
at IGARSS 2002,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. III, pp. 1327-1330, 2002.
K. O. Niemann, D. G. Goodenough, and P. Bhogal, "Remote sensing of relative
moisture status in old growth Douglas fir," Int. J. Remote Sensing, vol.
23, pp. 395-400, 2002.
J. E. Wood, M. D. Gillis, D. G. Goodenough, R. J. Hall, D. G. Leckie, J. L.
Luther, and M. A. Wulder, "Earth Observation for Sustainable Development
of Forests (
EOSD): Project Overview," presented
at IGARSS 2002,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, vol. III, pp. 1299-1302, 2002.
K. O. Niemann and D. G. Goodenough, "Mapping of Foliar Chemistry in Western
Hemlock Using
AVIRIS Data," in Remote Sensing of Forest Environments: Concepts
and Case Studies, M. Wulder and S. Franklin, Eds.: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Norwell, MA, 2003.
back to index
2001 Publications
A. S. Bhogal, D. G. Goodenough, A. Dyk, H. Chen, K. O. Niemann, and C. West,
"Extraction of Forest Attribute Information Using Multisensor Data Fusion
Techniques: A Case Study for a Test Site on Vancouver Island, British Columbia,"
presented at
IEEE PACRIM, Victoria, BC.2001.
A. S. Bhogal, D. G. Goodenough, J. Iisaka, Y. Honda, D. A. Hill, and D. G.
Leckie, "Bi-Directional Reflectance Measurements of Tree Canopy Using a
Remotely Piloted Helicopter in the Greater Victoria Watershed District Test
Site," presented at Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium, Quebec, QB2001.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, H. Chen, and A. Dyk, "Comparison of Methods
for Estimation of Kyoto Protocol Products of Forests from Multitemporal Landsat,"
presented at IGARSS
2001, Sydney, Australia, vol. 2, pp. 764-767, 2001.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, A. Dyk, O. Niemann, T. Han, H. Chen, C. West,
and C. Schmidt, "Calibration of Forest Chemistry for Hyperspectral Analysis,"
presented at IGARSS
2001, Sydney, Australia, vol. 1, pp. 52-56, 2001.
M. Wulder, T. Nelson, K. O. Niemann, D. Seemann, D. G. Goodenough, A. Dyk,
and A. S. Bhogal, "Individual Tree Recognition from Multiple High Spatial
Resolution Image Sources," presented at IGARSS 2001, Sydney, Australia,
vol. 2, pp. 771-773, 2001.
back to index
2000 Publications
A. S. Bhogal, D. G. Goodenough, A. Dyk, and K. O. Niemann, "AVIRIS Imagery
for Forest Attribute Information: Anisotropic Effects and Limitations in Multi-Temporal
Data," presented at
IGARSS 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, vol. 4, pp. 1388-1392,
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, D. Charlebois, A. Dyk, and R. J. Aspinall,
"An Intelligent System For Monitoring Forests," in Spatial Information
for Land Use Management, vol. Chapter 8, M. J. H. a. R. J. Aspinall, Ed.: Gordon
and Breach, 2000, pp. 129-141.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. P. Bhogal, A. Dyk, P. Tickle, D. Charlebois, K. O.
Niemann, and M. Gim, "Intelligent Information Extraction of Forest Attributes
Using Remotely Sensed Data - A Data Fusion and Modeling Approach," presented
at 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Victoria, BC, pp. 403, 2000.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. P. Bhogal, A. Dyk, M. Apps, R. Hall, P. Tickle, H. Chen,
K. Butler, and M. Gim, "Determination of Above-Ground Carbon in Canada's
Forests - A Multi-Source Approach," presented at IGARSS 2000, Honolulu,
Hawaii, vol. 3, pp. 949-953, 2000.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. P. Bhogal, A. Dyk, R. Hall, P. Tickle, and M. Apps,
"Determination of Above Ground Carbon in Northern Forests," presented
at International Science Conference "The Role of Boreal Forests and Forestry
in the Global Carbon Budget," Edmonton, Alberta, pp. 110, 2000.
D. G. Goodenough, A. S. P. Bhogal, A. Dyk, P. Tickle, M. Apps, D. Charlebois,
and M. Gim, "Determination of Above Ground Carbon in the Forest - Role
of Intelligent Information Systems in Data Fusion and Analysis," presented
at 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Victoria,
BC, pp. 49, 2000.
G. Hicks, D. G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, H. Plato, and K. O. Niemann, "A
Continental Communication Network for Remote Sensing and GIS Data," presented at IGARSS 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, vol. 3, pp. 972-977, 2000.
M. Wulder, D. G. Goodenough, and K. O. Niemann, "Error Reduction Methods
for Local Maximum Filtering," presented at 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote
Sensing, Victoria, BC, pp. 67-74, 2000.
M. Wulder, K. O. Niemann, and D. Goodenough, "Local Maximum Filtering
for the Extraction of Tree Locations and Basal Area form High Spatial Resolution
Imagery," Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 73, pp. 103-114, 2000.
back to index
1999 Publication
Goodenough, D. G., Charlebois, D., Bhogal, A. S., Dyk, A., and Skala, M. 1999,
"SEIDAM: A Flexible and Interoperable Metadata-Driven System for Intelligent Forest
Monitoring," Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 1999
Hamburg, Germany, pp. 1338-1341.
Goodenough, D. G., Bhogal, A. S., Dyk, A., Fournier, R., Hall, R. J., Iisaka,
J., Leckie, D., Luther, J. E., Magnussen, S., Niemann, O., and Strome, W. M.
1999, "Earth Observation for Sustainable Development of Forests - A National Project,"
Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 1999 ( IGARSS'99), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 2101-2104.
Niemann, K. O., Goodenough, D. G., Dyk, A., and Bhogal, A. S. 1999, "Pixel
Unmixing for Hyperspectral Measurement of Foliar Chemistry in Pacific Northwest
Coastal Forests," Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium 1999 (
IGARSS'99), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 512-514.
Goodenough, D. G., Bhogal, A. S., Dyk, A., and Hudson, D. 1999, "Data
Fusion Of Remote Sensing Data For Forest Parameter Estimation," Proc.
Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition / 21st
Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp. 801-808 (1999).
back to index
1998 Publications
D.G. Goodenough, Daniel Charlebois, A.S. Bhogal, and Nigel Daley, "An
Improved Planner for Intelligent Monitoring of Sustainable Development of Forests,"
submitted for publication in the proceedings of IGARSS '98, Seattle, Washington,
USA, July 6-10, 1998.
Pal Bhogal, David G. Goodenough, François Gougeon, Nigel Daley, Anna
Nera, and Olaf Niemann, "Fusion of AIRSAR and MEIS Data for Estimating Forest Parameters," submitted
for publication in the proceedings of IGARSS '98, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 6-10, 1998.
Daley, N. M. A., Charles N. Burnett, Mike Wulder, K. Olaf Niemann, and David
G. Goodenough 1998, "Comparison of Fixed-size and Variable-sized Windows for the
Estimation of Tree Crown Position," Proc. IGARSS'98, 3, Seattle, WA, pp. 1323-1325.
back to index
1997 Publications
Goodenough, David G., D. Charlebois, A. S. Bhogal, and S. Matwin 1997, "Automated
Forest Inventory Update with SEIDAM," Proc. IGARSS'97, Singapore, pp. 670-673.
Daley, N., David G. Goodenough, A. S. Bhogal, Q. Bradley, J. Grant, and Y.
Zin 1997, "Comparing Raster and Object Generalization," Proc. IGARSS'97,
Singapore, pp. 677-679.
Niemann, K. O., G. J. Hay, and David G. Goodenough 1997, "Effect of Scale on
the Information Content in Remote Sensing Imagery," Proc. IGARSS'97,
Singapore, pp. 664-666.
back to index
1996 Publications
Daniel Charlebois, David G. Goodenough, Stan Matwin, A.S. (Pal) Bhogal, and
Hugh Barclay, "Planning and Learning in a Natural Resource Information
System," Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 1996, pp 187-199.
A. S. (Pal) Bhogal, David G. Goodenough, Daniel Charlebois, Stan Matwin, Fred
Portigal, Hugh Barclay, Alan Thomson, and Olaf Niemann, "SEIDAM
for Forestry: Intelligent Fusion and Analysis of Multi-Temporal Imaging Spectrometer
Data," 26th International Remote Sensing Symposium, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, 1996, pp 59-62.
Daniel Charlebois, David G. Goodenough, A. S. (Pal) Bhogal, and Stan Matwin,
"Case-Based Reasoning and Software Agents for Intelligent Forest Information
Management," to be presented at IGARSS'96, Lincoln Nebraska, 1996, pp 2303-2306.
A. S. (Pal) Bhogal, David G. Goodenough, Daniel Charlebois, Stan Matwin, and
Olaf Niemann, "Intelligent Fusion and Analysis of Airsar Data for SEIDAM,"
to be presented at
IGARSS'96, Lincoln Nebraska, 1996, pp 1873-1876.
back to index
1995 Publications
S. Matwin, D. Charlebois, D. G. Goodenough, and P. Bhogal, "Machine Learning
and Planning for Data Management in Forestry," IEEE Expert
Systems, vol. 10, no. 5, December 1995.
S. Matwin, D. Charlebois, and D. G. Goodenough,
"Planning with Agents in Intelligent Data Management for Forestry," presented
IJCAI'95: Workshop for Environmental Applications, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
D. G. Goodenough, D. Charlebois, P. Bhogal, M. Heyd, S. Matwin, O. Niemann,
and F. Portigal, "Knowledge-Based Imaging Spectrometer Analysis and
GIS for Forestry,"
presented at
IGARSS'95, Florence Italy, 1995.
D. G. Goodenough, P. Bhogal, D. Charlebois, S. Matwin, and O. Niemann, "
Intelligent Data Fusion for Environmental Monitoring," presented at
Florence Italy, 1995.
D. G. Goodenough, P. Bhogal, D. Charlebois, M. Heyd, S. Matwin, and F. Portigal,
"Knowledge-based Imaging Spectrometer Analysis," presented at
Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing,
Victoria BC Canada, 1995.
S. Matwin, D. Charlebois, and D. G. Goodenough, "Training Agents in a
Complex Environment," presented at IEEE: Conference on Artificial Intelligence for
Applications, Los Angeles, CA, 1995.
back to index
1994 Publications
D. G. Goodenough, D. Charlebois, and S. Matwin, "Automating Reuse of
Software for Expert System Analysis of Remote Sensing Data,"
IEEE: Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 32 no. 3,
pp. 525-533, 1994.
D. G. Goodenough, D. Charlebois, S. Matwin, and A. J. Thomson, "Queries
& Answers in a DSS
Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS," presented
at Decision Support - 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1994.
S. Matwin, D. Charlebois, and D. G. Goodenough, "Training
Agents in a Complex Environment," presented at ISAI, Israel, 1994.
S. Matwin, D. Charlebois, and D. G. Goodenough, "Machine
Learning and Planning for Data Management in Forestry," presented
at AAAI'94: Workshop for Environmental Applications, Seattle, WA, 1994.
D. G. Goodenough, D. Charlebois, S. Matwin, D. MacDonald, and A. J. Thomson,
"Queries and Their Application to Reasoning with Remote Sensing and
presented at IGARSS'94,
Pasadena CA, 1994.
D. Charlebois, D. G. Goodenough, and S. Matwin,
"Case-Based Reasoning in an Intelligent Information System for Forestry,"
presented at SPIE'94, Orlando, FL, 1994.
back to index
1993 Publications
D. Charlebois, D. G. Goodenough, and S. Matwin, "Machine Learning
from Remote Sensing Analysis," presented at IGARSS'93, Tokyo,
Japan, 1993.
back to index
1992 Publications
D. Charlebois, D. G. Goodenough, S. Matwin, and M. Robson, "A
Planning-Based Software Reuse System," presented at ISAI'92, Cancun,
Mexico, 1992.
D. Charlebois, D. G. Goodenough, S. Matwin, M. Robson, and K. Fung, "Reuse
of Plans as a Tool for Development of Remote Sensing Expert Systems,"
presented at
IGARSS'92, Houston, Texas, 1992.
back to index
1991 Publications
D. Charlebois, J.-C. Deguise, D. G. Goodenough, S. Matwin, and M. Robson,
"A Case-Based Planner to Automate Development of ES Software for Analysis
of Remote Sensing Data," presented at IGARSS'91, Helsinky Finland, 1991.
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